Apprenticeships with NTJ
Over 20 Apprenticeship Placements in 3 years
In the last three years NTJ have offered over 20 placements for Apprentices. In October 2018 we started four Apprentices and they completed a Level 2 Foundation Apprenticeship in Interior Systems on 01/07/2020. Apprentice (Morgan Davies) is still with the company as a Self-Employed Dry-Lining Finisher as is Cory Bunney and Thomas Madge. Apprentice Liam Hayman has become an employee.
Our first apprentices were all working well and we therefore decided that we would offer this opportunity to more local school leavers so in October 2019 we started a further seven apprentices. These apprentices have experienced less time in the classroom due to the global pandemic, but their work on site is getting better by the week and due to the attitude and our experience with all of these apprentices in October 2020 we have taken on a further nine local boys. Quite a few of these boys found themselves on the apprenticeship programme because of our relationship with Communities for Work Youth Mentor, Lyn Scorey. All seven “2nd year” apprentices and our nine new apprentices are all back in college over split groups.
We also have an Apprentice QS who started in March 2019
In October 2018 we took on four apprentices – these four apprentices received their Certificates for Level 2 Foundation Apprenticeship on 1st July 2020. All four are still working for the company and we hope they continue to do so.
In October 2019 we took on seven apprentices – these seven apprentices have not had as much classroom time as they normally would have due to the current Coronavirus Pandemic, but all have had access to zoom sessions and are working/learning well on site and are still on course to complete their apprenticeships around July 2020.
More recently in October 2020 we took on a further nine apprentices
NTJ have successfully supported a number of apprentices over the last few years. All our apprentices are local, mainly 16 and 17 year old school leavers who live within a five mile radius of our Mountain Ash based office. We understand the need for young people to get into the Construction Industry and are happy we can give them this opportunity.
NTJ work closely with Coleg Y Cymoedd and Direct 2 U Training. Direct 2 U Training conduct the training out of their Caerphilly Centre. To achieve the framework all students must pass both the NVQ and Diploma in Dry Lining. The Diploma in Dry Lining consists of 7 units with 3 being generic and 4 being specific to Dry Lining, (1) Partitions and Ceilings, (2) Dry Lining encasements, (3) Tapeing and Jointing and (4) Plaster finish. These are assessed online using multiple choice questions.
The NVQ is site based and this gives our Apprentices the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned at the Training Centre and also what they are learning from their mentors.
Despite the outbreak of COVIS 19 both NTJ Plasterers Ltd and Direct 2 U are continuing to deliver their classroom and onsite training complying to existing COVID guidelines.